I've Been Thinking

Inanimate Evolution
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  • The universe did not come into being as we see it now. Current models of the universe start with the Big Bang and end up with what we see now.

    The universe can be viewed (i.e. modelled) as, a rather large, self organising dynamic system.. The big question is: how does it
    self organise?

    Having worked in/with Dynamic Systems for many years and examined a whole range of scientific papers I came to realise that there are four  major aspects to 
    self organising systems

    1. Cyclic energy levels

    2. Resonance

    3. Non linearities

    4. Seeding

    In an attempt to document and communicate this concept, I wrote a paper "Meta Modelling Self Organising, Emergent and Complex Systems" and submitted it to Nature and, not unexpectedly they declined to publish it. They suggested that I try a more specialised, complex system based journal.

    However, I believe it is a more fundamental subject than that studied by the current complex system community.

    Evolution seems to me to be a fundamental process that nature goes through in both what we call the inanimate and animate worlds. There are differences in mechanisms but they both achieve the same thing - increasing complexity.

    Darwinian evolution looks to me like a specialised form of a more general and widespread process.

    Bernard Robertson-Dunn, 2010

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